| Beverly Linam | Remote Year Exupery and SayBev traveling partner, part II

🔻 { Connecting to Communicate } 🔻 conversation with close friend | Beverly Linam | who now does the remote year with her tramily, Exupery. Beverly is sharing her thoughts on blogging. Therefore, she is working on starting her travel blog titled | Montesphere |. I am intrigued with her desire to do a travel blog that I cannot help but ask her questions. And she is now in Morocco as I am posting this. (Conversation as of Wednesday, 21 November 2018).
AFTER TED❌Birmingham 2018: Catch glimpses of my continued efforts of { connecting to communicate } through a series of microvideo conversations with others.
#connect2communicate #CreativeCommunicationsConsultant 🔻 #CCC #communicate #connect #create #speakerSEM #SEMspeaker #listener #thepepsimoment #pepsimoment #pepsi #tedxbirmingham2018speaker #tedxbham #tedxbirmingham #tedxbirmingham2018 #BHM #BHMtoGlobal #RY #Exupery #SayBev #SayBevTravels #SayBevIceTours #thefreedomtour #SayMoreTraveling #fernweh #wanderlust #Montesphere

Sarah Elizabeth Moreman